
Now Taking Red Sexlink Pullet Orders!

Reserve yours today—limited availability!

✅ Expected Delivery: Mid-June (we’ll call with a firm date)

✅ Lays: Large to extra-large brown eggs

✅ Vaccinated for Marek’s

✅ Age: ~17 weeks old with trimmed beaks

  • ✅ Pricing: $11.99 each OR $10.99 each for orders of 10 or more

🚨 Only 250 pullets available—first come, first served by reservation! 🚨

📅 Payment Due: June 4th

📦 Pickup: Must be picked up by Noon on delivery day (unless other arrangements are made). Unclaimed pullets will be available for sale after Noon—no refunds for unclaimed birds.

Click here for more details!